What is the pricing format for Dive Guys, LLC services?

The cost for Dive Guys services is based on a set price per square foot of the serviceable area. The set cost per square foot will vary from job to job based on the thickness of weeds or zebra mussels, what kind of weeds, lake bottom sediments, and clarity of water. All of these variables affect the amount of time our divers will need to complete the job.

How does Dive Guys ensure that the weeds will be gone for the entirety of summer?

After the initial service is performed, Dive Guys will return to your property throughout the remainder of summer to ensure that the weeds stay away. The number of times Dive Guys returns to your property in one summer (typically 1-3 times) depends on the stipulations within your specific service contract.

Why is Dive Guys more effective than chemical treatment?

a) The services of Dive Guys provide instantaneous riddance of weeds. Unlike chemical treatments that take some time to have the desired effect, our divers hand pull the weeds from the root systems and are able to create the desired effect within hours, not days.

b) Once the chemicals take effect on aquatic vegetation, the weltering weeds fall to the bottom of the lake and create a filmy substance that is undesirable for the property owner. Dive Guys removes the serviced weeds the same day that they are treated, completely eliminating this problem.

c) Dive Guys is 100% natural. Our customers need not worry about any unknown effects resulting from chemical treatment.

Why is Dive Guys more effective than the big machines used for weed removal?

The main advantage that Dive Guys holds over these machines is that we are able to treat the weeds from the root systems. Aquatic vegetation grows at an extremely rapid rate. Eurasian milfoil, for example, can grow 2-3 inches per day. The weed removal machines are unable to chop the weeds from the root system and, as a result, are required to be run continuously all throughout summer. This is costly to those paying for the services, as well as an eye sore to those trying to enjoy the lake’s beauty.